
School Lunch

School Lunch

Welcome to our Health and Nutrition Center at L.T. Brown. We understand the critical role that nutrition plays in shaping student health. Our commitment to balanced nutrition, combined with a diverse selection of food choices, forms the foundation for a thriving academic environment. 

Diverse Cuisine: Recognizing the importance of diverse dietary options, we offer a range of culinary delights that cater to various tastes and cultural preferences. Our diverse menu ensures that students not only meet their nutritional needs but also experience a variety of flavorful dishes.



    We collaborate with trusted external suppliers to offer clean, nutritionally balanced, and non-greasy lunch options. We value student feedback and conduct regular surveys to give students an opportunity to provide input to our vendors, ensuring that the quality and taste of lunches meet their needs. Thank you for supporting our nutritious lunch program. We are committed to providing healthy and delicious dietary choices for our students!

  • At our school, we value each student's birthday dearly. To ensure every student feels warmth and care on their special day, we prepare a birthday cake for each student! This small surprise is our way of celebrating each student and creating wonderful memories on their birthdays. Thank you for your support in making our school a warm and caring community!
  • Foreign teachers periodically join students to prepare Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and American cuisines together. This allows students to learn how to prepare and savor delicious dishes from around the world, while also understanding the cultural stories and cooking techniques behind them. Let's explore, learn, and share together in these activities to create wonderful memories and culinary experiences!
  • On campus, there are convenience stores and microwaves available, providing students with convenient services. Students can purchase easy-to-prepare food items at the convenience stores to satisfy their hunger.

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